& Discover The Power Of Heart-Centered Collaboration To Grow Your List While Spreading A Message Of Love & Positivity
Elevate Your Visibility &
Attract Your Aligned Audience
Partner with Inspired Living Publishing, Aspire Magazine and the transformational authors of Midlife Mojo by joining us as a launch partner for the Nov. 15th bestseller campaign.
The Inspired Living Publishing team makes it easy breezy for our partners and provides everything needed.
With your support and social influence on launch day, we can spread a message that inspires all women to reimagine her life through the lens of hope, possibility and belief--no matter her current circumstances.
Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo: Women's Stories of Self-Discovery & Transformation
There comes a time in every woman’s midlife journey, whether at thirty-five or sixty, when she experiences a yearning from within—a restlessness, a calling—from the deepest recesses of her heart beckoning her to own her light.
For some, the yearning shows up as a gentle nudge whispering to her. For others, it manifests as a shout with a sense of urgency. No matter how it shows up, it’s a calling to reclaim her inner mojo—her own unique magic and feminine wisdom.
But she won’t fully be able to appreciate what she hears until she walks the often-bitter road of self-discovery, slowly peeling back layer after layer of false masks and limiting beliefs until the separation between herself and her soul no longer exists.
As a woman says, “Yes” to her inner light, she sheds the illusions of who she thought she had to be, the roles she thought she had to play, and the limiting beliefs about her self-worth to discover that within her was the magic to co-create her life from a place of truth and authenticity.On that day, she will come face-to-face with her inner mojo—her divine essence—and the two will become one, embracing, dancing, and celebrating the homecoming.
In Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo, you will meet a collective of empowered women whose stories of self-discovery and transformation reflect the grit, courage, and perseverance it took to change course in the middle of their lives—which will inspire you to reclaim your midlife mojo.
Here are THE launch partner DETAILS
Since 2010, Inspired Living Publishing (ILP) has been producing bestseller launches (19 to date) based on the heart-centered feminine collaborative marketing model created by Publisher Linda Joy in 2009. If you also embrace the power of collaboration and show up fully in all your agreements-- ILP and our authors would be honored to partner with you.
In exchange for sending a SOLO* email (provided by ILP) early morning on launch day, Nov. 15th and posting on social media between Nov. 15 and 17th, we will include your free optin gift on our bonus gifts page. Access to the bonus gifts page is offered to every woman who purchases the book and remains up for 3 months. Great visibility!
If you've been part of, or witnessed, our previous launches then you know we create viral campaigns that inspire, connect and serve all of our audiences --- and our graphics rock!
PLEASE NOTE: Though we'd LOVE to partner with everyone, only LAUNCH PARTNERS who guarantee a SOLO** email are invited to offer their free opt-in gift for the launch.
FILE SUBMISSION: Once you confirm your placement as a Launch Partner below, you will receive important instructions and deadlines to submit your files to our launch team. Please honor and adhere to all FILE DUE DATES so the process flows easily for the team.
**DEFINITION OF SOLO EMAIL: A solo email means that the ONLY content in the email sent to your list is related to the project at hand. In this case, the book launch. It's been found that SOLO emails convert much better than a blurb in your weekly ezine (though we love when our partners also include the blurb as a follow-up.)
- November 4th-- Promo Files will be sent to Launch Partners to provide plenty of time for pre-scheduling of solo email and social media.
- Nov. 15th-- Bestseller Launch Day!
- RESERVE YOUR PLACEMENT as a Nov. 15th Launch Partner below!
- RESERVE Nov. 15th in your email marketing calendar.
- SUBMIT Your gift files by the deadline provided.
In this brief article, you'll learn 4 brand-enhancing reasons to support aligned book launches. Imagine, enhancing your visibility and growing your list while supporting a sacred circle of authors in bringing their transformational book to women around the world.
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