handsoverheart)nobgA (((HUG))) of Gratitude from my Heart to Yours! 

I’m honored that you are here to learn more about supporting the August 16th launch of Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace. 

As I shared in the invitation you receive, to participate at this level of exposure, a SOLO email is required on August 16th.  With your help and social influence, we can spread a message about the power of connecting to the essence of gratitude to transform our lives and discovering grace in the midst of it all.

It gives me #soulgiggles when I meet yet another woman who embraces the feminine collaborative model.

xoxo Publisher Linda Joy


IMPORTANT: Add Linda@InspiredLivingPublishing.com and ClientCare@Linda-Joy.com to your SAFE SENDERS list now so you don’t miss important and time sensitive emails.