"Whatever challenges you may currently be facing, you will find within these pages hard-won wisdom and valuable insights to help you find your way back to your creative power and stand in a new possibility for your life."
From the foreword by Christy Whitman
Channel for The Quantum Council and New York Times Bestselling Author

Miracles happen when a woman reimagines her life through the lens of hope, possibility, and belief—no matter her current circumstances.

Beautiful soul, life isn’t meant to be lived in black and white, devoid of love, radiant health, fulfilling relationships, success, and self-worth. Simply existing. Life is meant to be lived in technicolor, filled with unbridled passion, truth, and joy.
The pages of the upcoming Life Reimagined book are filled with stories of women just like you who listened to the whispers of their hearts and souls to move beyond the weight of fear and self-doubt to create lives they envisioned.
Life Reimagined is a must-read for any woman, who wishes to be inspired by women who chose to hope and dream—then mindfully created the life they wanted using their souls as guides and truths as a beacon.
Their stories will touch your heart, light a fire in your soul. and inspire you to follow the whispers of your soul.

Meet The Authors
a peek inside the book...
Publisher, Mindset Mojo™ Mentor and Sacred Visibility Catalyst™ Linda Joy shares a snippet of her own life reimagined moment and how in the middle of a personal challenge the title for this sacred book dropped into her awareness.
Dreams Reimagined
Is there a dream in your heart that you’re afraid to claim? Authors Jami Hearn, Lisa Manyon, Dr. Lisa Thompson, and Sarah Breen share how stepping toward their fears and embracing their dreams opened doors in their lives that they never could have imagined.
Self Reimagined
Are you feeling called to show up as your authentic self instead of behind a mask that feels safe but smothering? Authors Kelley Grimes, MSW, Robin Eaton, Cathy Casteel, Kris Groth and Crystal Cockerham stories will inspire you to follow the whispers of your soul and live your most authentic life.
Relationships Reimagined
Discover how our redefining our relationships with others can become one of our greatest healing gifts to ourselves and those we love. Authors Dr. Debra Reble, Nancy OKeefe, Christin Bjergbakke, Kim Brochu, Angela Sparks and Kimmberly Wotipka share how reimagining key relationships in their life led them to the life they have today.
Spirit Reimagined
There is a divine source of love within and all around us. Authors Cara Hope Clark, Amber Kasic, Donna LaBar, Veronica Cole, and Cathy McPherson share their transformational journeys with this source and show that love lives on.
Editor's Note
Editor Deborah Kevin shares her insights on the stories in Life Reimagined and invites you to see their possibility to shift your perspective, grow your heart and allow you to step more fully into your badassery.
Advanced Praise for Life Reimagined...

“See yourself and your own personal growth journey in these true, inspiring, transformational stories of women who have survived and thrived after every kind of trauma imaginable.”
~ Arielle Ford, author and love coach

“Life Reimagined is a moving collection of inspirational stories from women who said yes to honoring their truth and living their best lives. This empowering book inspires women to listen to their inner guides and to begin living their life in full color! The reflective journal prompts at the end of each story invite you to dive deeper into your own story.”
~ Dr. Margaret Paul, bestselling author/co-author of Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved by You? Inner Bonding, Healing Your Aloneness, Diet for Divine Connection, and The Inner Bonding Workbook.

“Life Reimagined is full of touching and inspiring stories of ways these authors reimagined their dreams, self, relationships, and spirit. The reflection questions will guide you to discover more of your own soul wisdom. Enjoy.”
~ Lisa Michaels, speaker, author, and CEO Impact Certifications

“Dreams really do come true! Linda Joy and her beautiful circle of authors have done it again. This book is full of inspiring true stories that made me laugh, made me cry, and, most of all, made me have hope for myself and for the world. The deep and honest sharing of these women's personal stories is poignant, and I see myself reflected in many of the journeys shared here. Whether you dip into a story here and there or read it cover to cover, you will be delighted by what you find in Life Reimagined.”
~ Minette Riordan, Ph.D., creativity coach, artist, and author

“Life Reimagined gives the reader an up-close look at the unstoppable strength, courage, and resilience of women. These truth tellers share moments of profound transformation and a split second of divine revelation. Each writer takes you down a pathway of awakening to an inner voice and seeing the uncovering of their soul's desires. Each story ignites a spark of inspiration in the reader.”
~ Mal Duane, crystal master, emotional healer and bestselling author

“Life Reimagined takes us into the heart of women's stories of transformation from the inside out. I love the reflective questions at the end of each story! These inquiries are like portals for great self-discovery for readers. A deep calling forth to live our best lives is invited and inspired within the pages of this book.”
~ Lynda Monk, director, International Association for Journal Writing

“Life Reimagined is poignant and soul-stirring. An absolute must-read for women in the throes of reinvention. Discover deeply touching stories of courage, creativity, and perseverance in the face of life-altering transformation. Each story offers life lessons every woman can relate to and learn from. You will come away inspired!”
~ Shann Vander Leek, award-winning producer and podcast coach

"Vulnerable. Empowering. Filled with Hope. Life Reimagined features twenty transformational stories by women that will inspire you to believe in possibility, hold on to hope, and to release the weight of self-doubt."
~ Amy Leigh Mercree, bestselling author of fifteen books including 100 Days to Calm.

“I am moved and marveled by the miraculous collection of transformational stories in this beautiful book. These brave women all share a sacred piece of their heart as they unwind their deeply personal journey's through a seemingly impossible problem out the other end to a realization of the gift within each conflict. After reading this, you will discover your own courage to reimagine your life changing in ways you only once dreamed of.”
~ Carrie Rowan, international bestselling author of Tell A New Story, mindset and energy coach, and professor of empowerment and joy.

"Each of the stories in Life Reimagined drew me right in. The authors share experiences of struggle and heartbreak with such authenticity. I felt inspired by how each author transformed her pain into something beautiful. Through challenges, they cultivated self-love, self-care, and self-compassion. They opened up to meaningful connection. They discovered strengths and passions that they crafted into purpose-filled careers. Their stories bring hope that there's always a beautiful light awaiting beyond the darkness."
~ Dr. Colleen Georges, Author of the Award-Winning RESCRIPT the Story You're Telling Yourself , DrColleenGeorges.com

“Witnessing a woman bravely transform her life, whether by choice or circumstance, is powerful. That is the essence of the deeply personal stories shared in this inspiring book. Each story adeptly illustrates that, even in the darkest times, there is a way to happiness if you trust and reimagine what’s possible.”
~ Kelly Mishell, mindset coach, speaker, and bestselling author

“Pure inspiration! What a beautiful creation! Each woman's story made me feel like I was sitting in her living room, sipping tea, and listening to her story. This book gives me faith in the power of women and the transformation that can happen when we choose positive change over fear. Love rules!"
~ Elvia Roe, angel alchemist and expert teacher at AngelsTeach.com.

"Life Reimagined is a powerful book sharing not just stories, but the hearts and souls of women from different lives, different backgrounds, and challenges, who emerge stronger and more in touch with who they truly are. Despite what these women separately endured, they learned through their own journey, to overcome self-doubt, fear, and much more to truly find, embrace, and reimagine a spiritual home within themselves. In turn, they offer us faith, hope, and the knowledge that we too can discover or rediscover that place within ourselves that vibrates with personal strength to live our best lives closely connected to our spiritual truth and essence.”
~ Dr. Jo Anne White, international, #1bestselling, award-Wining author, certified professional coach, consultant, and energy master teacher
About Publisher Linda Joy
Spiritual entrepreneur, cultivator of sacred community and supporter of women’s dreams, Intentional Living Guide™ Linda Joy inspires, empowers, and supports women in creating an intentional life (and business, if desired) that aligns with the truth of who they are so they can experience the joy, fulfillment and abundance that is their divine right.
As a Sacred Visibility™ Catalyst and Bestselling Publisher of eighteen books, Linda has been working with mission-driven female entrepreneurs in the personal and spiritual development genres for over a decade. Through her private Illuminate Sistermind™ group program and other high-visibility media offerings and events, she supports clients in elevating their visibility, connecting with their aligned audience and enhancing their marketing messaging using feminine principles.
As the creatrix and publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine since 2006, and its sister media brands including Inspired Living Publishing™, the Inspired Conversations™ radio show, Inspired Living Secrets™, Inspired Living Giveaway™ and Inspired Living University™, Linda has been passionately spreading a message of love, feminine wisdom and self-empowerment to women around the world while using her robust media platform to shine media spotlight on spiritual female entrepreneurs with a message and mission to share.
As an Intentional Living Guide™ and spiritual mentor, Linda is passionate about her work with women on the path of self-discovery who yearn to live deeper more authentic and intentional lives. For over two decades, she has held private circles, workshops, and offerings, including the creation of Inspired Living University™, to support women in diving deeper into their transformational journey in a supportive container.
Learn more at www.Linda-Joy.com.
About Inspired Living Publishing
Dedicated to publishing books for women and by women and to spreading a message of love, positivity, feminine wisdom, and self-empowerment to women of all ages, backgrounds, and life paths—Inspired Living Publishing’s books have reached numerous international best-seller lists as well as Amazon’s Movers & Shakers lists.
Inspired Living Publishing works with mission-driven, heart-centered female entrepreneurs—life, business and spiritual coaches, therapists, service providers, and health practitioners in the personal and spiritual development genres, to bring their message and mission to life and to the world. ILP publishes, markets and launches select manuscripts by transformational female authors whose messages are aligned with their philosophy of inspiration, authenticity, empowerment, and personal transformation.
Through Inspired Living Publishing’s highly successful sacred anthology division, hundreds of visionary female entrepreneurs have written their sacred soul stories using Inspired Living Publishing’s Authentic Storytelling™ writing model and became bestselling authors.
What sets Inspired Living Publishing™ apart is the powerful, high-visibility publishing, marketing, bestseller launch, and exposure across multiple media platforms that are included in its publishing packages.
Their family of authors reap the benefits of being a part of a sacred family of inspirational multimedia brands that deliver the best in transformational and empowering content across a wide range of platforms—and has been doing so since 2006 with the birth of Aspire Magazine.
Learn More at: www.InspiredLivingPublishing.com