"Looking for a sign that it’s time to let go of the old you and discover your authentic self?
Consider Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo your wake-up call."
In this powerful book, Linda Joy has gathered a band of empowered women who have faced darkness and self-doubt, done their transformational work, and reclaimed their midlife mojo. Some no longer able to ignore their inner whispers, shouts, or yearnings made a conscious, intentional decision to change. Others faced a crucible crisis, when life fell apart, and they were forced to dig deep, go on a journey of self-discovery, and transform.”
FOREWORD by Dr. Ellen Albertson
The Midlife Whisperer™ and author of Rock Your Midlife

In Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo, you will meet a collective of empowered women whose stories of self-discovery and transformation reflect the grit, courage, and perseverance it took to change course in the middle of their lives—which will inspire you to reclaim your midlife mojo.

There comes a time in every woman’s midlife journey, whether at thirty-five or sixty, when she experiences a yearning from within—a restlessness, a calling—from the deepest recesses of her heart calling her to own her light.
For some, the yearning shows up as a gentle nudge whispering to her. For others, it manifests as a shout with a sense of urgency. No matter how it shows up, it’s a calling to reclaim her inner mojo—her own unique magic and feminine wisdom.
But she won’t fully be able to appreciate what she hears until she walks the often bitter road of self-discovery, slowly peeling back layer after layer of false masks and limiting beliefs until the separation between herself and her soul no longer exists.
As a woman says, “Yes” to her inner light, she sheds the illusions of who she thought she had to be, the roles she thought she had to play, and the limiting beliefs about her self-worth to discover that within her was the magic to co-create her life from a place of truth and authenticity.
On that day, she will come face-to-face with her inner mojo—her divine essence—and the two will become one, embracing, dancing, and celebrating the homecoming.

Meet The Authors

Lisa Hromada

Felicia Messina-D'Haiti

Lee Murphy Wolf

Crystal Cockerham

Cathy Casteel

Emily Madill

Cara Hope Clark

Karen Shier

Carrie Wooden

Cindy Winsel

Christina Waggoner

Vera Ventura

Dr. Colleen Georges

Kathleen Lewis

Kim DeClair

Kim Turcotte

Deborah Kevin

Amy Knox

Susan Opeka

Claire Croft

Donna Duffy

Carol Bilodeau

Elaine Blais
a peek inside the book...
Publisher, Mindset Mojo™ Mentor, and Sacred Visibility Catalyst™ Linda Joy shares a snippet of her experience in reclaiming her midlife mojo and how in the middle of a personal challenge the title for this sacred book dropped into her awareness.
Have you had a health issue that you were afraid to face? Authors Felicia Messina-D’Haiti, Colleen Georges, Lisa Hromada, Karen Shier, Vera Ventura, and Cindy Winsel share how stepping toward their fears and embracing a health journey opened doors in their lives that they never could have imagined.
Life Purpose
Are you feeling called to show up as your authentic self instead of behind a mask that feels safe but smothering? Authors Cara Hope Clark, Claire Croft, Donna Duffy, Amy Knox, Emily Madill, Susan Opeka, and Lee Murphy Wolf’s stories will inspire you to follow the whispers of your soul and live your most authentic life.
Discover how our redefining our relationships with others can become one of our greatest healing gifts to ourselves and those we love. Authors Carol Bilodeau, Elaine Blais, Deborah Kevin, Kathleen Lewis, and Christina Waggoner share how reimagining key relationships in their life led them to the life they have today.
There is a divine change most women experience in midlife, where they no longer look externally for validation but rather nurture and claim their self-worth. Authors Cathy Casteel, Crystal Cockerham, Kim DeClair, Kim Turcotte, and Carrie Wooden share their transformational journeys to own their worth and show the positive impact this act has had on them—and others.
Editor's Note
Editor Deborah Kevin shares her insights on the stories in Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo and invites you to see their possibility to shift your perspective, grow your heart, and allow you to step more fully into your badassery.
Advanced Praise for Midlife Mojo

“The empowering stories in Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo will inspire women to say yes to living their boldest dreams—no matter their age. Each empowering story will encourage readers to release their old patterns and embrace the powerful woman within. I recommend this book wholeheartedly to every woman who is ready to honor her inner wisdom and consciously create the life she desires.”
Christy Whitman | Transformational Leader, Messenger for The Council of Light and New York Times Bestselling Author of The Art of Having It All

“The stories within Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo are powerful testimonies to the strength and resilience of a woman’s spirit. Their heartfelt and courageous stories will inspire you to make the invincible and empowered choices in your life.”
Amy Leigh Mercree | Medical Intuitive and Bestselling Author of 16 books including

“Linda Joy has done it again with Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo! This book is for every woman who has ever questioned herself and gone on to reclaim her inner light, unique magic, and feminine wisdom. You will be inspired to be the best version of YOU when you read the stories of these remarkable women.”
Lisa Manyon | The Business Marketing Architect, President of Write On Creative and author of Spiritual Sugar

“The greatest gift in life is finding your authentic self. The powerful stories in Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo will inspire you to think about the path you are on and open you to new possibilities in your life. Linda’s books never disappoint.”
Nancy OKeefe | Human Design Specialist

“Touching, clear, inspiring, uplifting and illuminating. As always, any book project that is produced by Linda Joy creates a massive ripple effect of positive impact and Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo is no exception. The contributor’s depth of self-inquiry and willingness to vulnerably share will leave the reader with a treasure trove of affirmation for their own journey along with a light on the path that radiates hope, joy, and possibility. No matter what the challenges the midlife passage contains, this book is the ready companion that will get you through it.”
Anjel B. Hartwell |Wealthy Life Mentor & 5X Award Winning Podcast Host of Wickedly Smart Women Podcast

“Midlife is a huge transitional point in a woman's journey. Life catches up to you, you're faced with the past challenges and the choices that have you brought you to this moment. You can stay the same or step through the buried blocks and fears that are keeping you from the joy you are meant to have. The amazing authors in Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo share their courageous and intimate stories of facing fear, making hard choices and persevering through the unimaginable. Each story brings an invaluable lesson of heartfelt wisdom and unmeasured strength to the reader.”
Mal Duane | Crystal Chakra Energy Healer

“Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo is a potent compilation of stories that will inspire you to open your heart to what is possible in midlife! If you are feeling stagnant or find yourself at a midlife crossroads, you will be energized by each author's willingness to shake things up and commit to all that is possible when you embrace the magic of maturity!”
Shann Vander Leek | Podcast Coach and Bestselling Author

“All women have an innate wisdom that when shared, has the power to inspire, empower and support other women on their soul's path. The transformational stories shared in Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo will awaken you to embrace your courageous heart, tap into the wisdom of your soul and take brave action to cocreate the divine life you envision.”
Dr. Debra L. Reble | Intuitive Psychologist, Transformational Life Coach, Women's Retreat Leader, and International Best-Selling Author

“There is nothing more inspiring for a woman than when a group of empowered women share the courage and perseverance they encountered when changing course midlife. Each story is insightful of just how powerful we can be as women. Life presents us all with challenges, but it is up to us to answer the heart’s call to the magic within.”
Kimmberly Wotipka | Spiritual Advisor and Sacred Possibilities Mentor
About Publisher Linda Joy
Spiritual entrepreneur, cultivator of sacred community and supporter of women’s dreams, Intentional Living Guide™ Linda Joy inspires, empowers, and supports women in creating an intentional life (and business, if desired) that aligns with the truth of who they are so they can experience the joy, fulfillment and abundance that is their divine right.
As a Sacred Visibility™ Catalyst and Bestselling Publisher of eighteen books, Linda has been working with mission-driven female entrepreneurs in the personal and spiritual development genres for over a decade. Through her private Illuminate Sistermind™ group program and other high-visibility media offerings and events, she supports clients in elevating their visibility, connecting with their aligned audience and enhancing their marketing messaging using feminine principles.
As the creatrix and publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine since 2006, and its sister media brands including Inspired Living Publishing™, the Inspired Conversations™ radio show, Inspired Living Secrets™, Inspired Living Giveaway™ and Inspired Living University™, Linda has been passionately spreading a message of love, feminine wisdom and self-empowerment to women around the world while using her robust media platform to shine media spotlight on spiritual female entrepreneurs with a message and mission to share.
As an Intentional Living Guide™ and spiritual mentor, Linda is passionate about her work with women on the path of self-discovery who yearn to live deeper more authentic and intentional lives. For over two decades, she has held private circles, workshops, and offerings, including the creation of Inspired Living University™, to support women in diving deeper into their transformational journey in a supportive container.
Learn more at www.Linda-Joy.com.
About Inspired Living Publishing
Dedicated to publishing books for women and by women and to spreading a message of love, positivity, feminine wisdom, and self-empowerment to women of all ages, backgrounds, and life paths—Inspired Living Publishing’s books have reached numerous international best-seller lists as well as Amazon’s Movers & Shakers lists.
Inspired Living Publishing works with mission-driven, heart-centered female entrepreneurs—life, business and spiritual coaches, therapists, service providers, and health practitioners in the personal and spiritual development genres, to bring their message and mission to life and to the world. ILP publishes, markets and launches select manuscripts by transformational female authors whose messages are aligned with their philosophy of inspiration, authenticity, empowerment, and personal transformation.
Through Inspired Living Publishing’s highly successful sacred anthology division, hundreds of visionary female entrepreneurs have written their sacred soul stories using Inspired Living Publishing’s Authentic Storytelling™ writing model and became bestselling authors.
What sets Inspired Living Publishing™ apart is the powerful, high-visibility publishing, marketing, bestseller launch, and exposure across multiple media platforms that are included in its publishing packages.
Their family of authors reap the benefits of being a part of a sacred family of inspirational multimedia brands that deliver the best in transformational and empowering content across a wide range of platforms—and has been doing so since 2006 with the birth of Aspire Magazine.
Learn More at: www.InspiredLivingPublishing.com