Embrace Your Inner Storyteller & Use Your Life Experiences as Inspiration

Even If You Think You Can’t Write


Mon. Feb. 26– Thur. Feb.29 -  1pm-2pm EST (Zoom)

Space is Limited for This Live Virtual Training!

During this Experiential Training, Led by Inspired Living Publishing's Publisher Linda Joy and Chief Editor Deborah Kevin, You'll Learn:
The Power of
Authentic Storytelling™
to Inspire Connection & Healing

Discover the wisdom and power in your life experiences. Learn how Authentic Storytelling™ can inspire connection with your reader as well as serve as a powerful personal healing tool. Includes an exercise for shifting your blocks to writing so you can embrace your inner storyteller. 

Identify Your Pivotal Moments of Synchronicity

You'll learn strategies to identify those pivotal divine synchronicity moments that led you to a new choice or path and that make a powerful story.

Within your life experiences are many of those pivotal moments.

You’ll learn how to define your a-ha moment and create a story around that moment.

Pen To Paper: Choosing a Divine Synchronicity Story 

During this class you’ll choose one of the moments identified in the previous “Identify Your Pivotal Moments of Synchronicity” class and begin the process of getting the story on paper.

You will learn strategies to write from a healed, vulnerable place; the heroine’s journey and using your senses when writing.

Embrace Your Inner Storyteller: Sharing Your Story

Today you’ll learn the energetic power of sharing your story. This valuable exercise will help you embrace, honor, and empower your inner storyteller.

You’ll be invited into an intimate breakout room with one writing sister. This judgement free zone is a powerful way to be witnessed and is *NOT* a writing critique. Don’t miss this transformational class.

Your Guides for this Journey:

LINDA JOY is the Storytelling Guide and Bestselling Publisher at Inspired Living Publishing (ILP) and Publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine.  Since 2010, through ILP’s Authentic Storytelling™ model and sacred anthology division, close to 300 women have overcome their writing blocks and embraced their inner storyteller to become bestselling authors while healing part of themselves in the process.  

Deborah Kevin

DEBORAH KEVIN is the Chief Editor of Inspired Living Publishing’s sacred anthologies and a compassionate guide for women writers with a story in their heart.  She loves helping women and changemakers tap into and share their stories of healing and truth so they can bring their light and message to the world. She is also the founder and chief inspiration officer at Highlander Press.


As this is a valuable experiential writing circle held on Zoom, we highly recommend that you attend each session live. Each training session builds on the next to support you to identify, choose and start writing your sacred story—within a sacred guided container and community.

  • Training sessions are held on Zoom.
  • All classes are at 1pm EST for one hour. We recommend building an extra 15 minutes in just in case we overdeliver and go over.
  • Includes Playsheets with excercises.
  • Replays will be available in a private portal.  A reminder to attend live to fully benefit the guidance and experiential nature of the circle.